> we are probably seeing that MLP has received so much fantasy and happy rainbows into their world that it´s going in reverse, fantasy is looking for real things and the real world wants fantasy in their lives.
I like this thought for some reason.
> However,save Grannies Gone Wild, I haven´t noticed that much of technology advancements and going further than the standard steampunk era.
I think I stated this a long time ago when we were taking about the overhype for season 1: in reality the show has had this mix of tech from the get go, it's only been emphasized to varing degrees. Sometimes I feel like a few things maybe a bit much but I feel like if anything it's more of the interconnectedness over any actual tech shown that does harm to the simple /comfy/ factor that so many blame on tech and meme faces. And you are right, there really hasn't been that much this season.
> I guess technology makes things easier (the train is still getting overpowered as fuck, you cannot beat that).
The train at this point is warping reality if we consider that there is multiple cases of it reaching places that used ta take days.
> Season 3 was the awkward transition and Season 4 started another direction with the same train.
Agreed. Season 3 is when the show shed it's formulaic letters and simpler plot structure, but it was going into uncharted waters. Season 4 is when it was put into pratice.
> It isn´t The Mane Thing made fun of it and A Health of Information reminded us what´s so actually horrifying behind it. Nor menacing nor a cheerful place, it has to be dealt with some respect.
A Health of Information is truly horrifying isn't it? True, and I say this again, for me any criticism of the show is tempered by the fact that we really shouldn't have gotten this at all. As you say, meaning out of nothing. I mean if you went back to the season 2 days and showed them just one of what is now normal faservice they'd be freaked. Even if the show became a dumpster fire it is still our dumpster fire of epicness.