thumbnail of L23´s taste as for May 2018.jpg
thumbnail of L23´s taste as for May 2018.jpg
L23´s taste as for... jpg
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I am going to make just this reply. I haven´t listened to the other three songs but while I have always known them, I hadn´t bothered in checking them. Especially Rush, which I knew and head marvelous things about them. No wonder, they consider 2112 a masterpiece. You can see in my topsters image that I have added them, they remind me of Yes a lot and have heard the full album a couple of times tonight. Very good impressions and cannot complain about them. I will have to see about Kansas as well because that record contains Dust in the Wind. 

For now, here you have my chart and influences. These bands are really popular and plebeian by /mu/ standards (it´s my 2nd board). Even though I look like a clone of them, I post these albums because they have earned some actual personal interest from me and got into personal motions. I have got rid of some teenage albums like Linkin Park and put some experimental things like my slight interest for krautrock, the holy trinity of shoegaze or some post punk albums. 

I have more minor influences but they don´t come as a record and they come more like songs or moments. 

I will also post more thoughts later because I have spent time on making this chart.