> So,this woman had dark thoughts about her life as well and proto created this movement(with the help of heroin and rape she suffered around 16). She has covered The End (a song from the Doors) with a sinister vibe and I think that no ideas come from nowhere.
Interesting and frankly haunting. I listened to several songs including her cover of thhe /end/. Though I wouldn't call it my taste from the surface this feels like a very good mood setter in a way for the /end/ sometimes. I truly am in respect of this. It's darkness shaped out of experience. In a strange way almost feels reserved. I like the tone despite me not being most drawn to sad. Again, I have some sad things I listen to often as a mood setter or an expression of an emotion. Some of ths may become part of that. Though it's entirely possible I was exposed to her via my father it seems totally unfamiliar to me, thanks.
> Funnily enough,she has lived a lot of things we have talked about for these months and accidentally moved other bands to drive their creativity into that direction. This album cover shows a horse ironically.
Almost creepy in a way. Is this another sign of the power of the /end/?
> obscure? well, it has sold over 3 million vcopies over the world, 40000 in Spain, certainly not unpopular but not that praised either(4.1 in Pitchfork).
My knowledge on music is very sporadic and often past down from my father. Their is a few bands I know their entire life stories yet others that someone would think I should know and yet I don't know anything about. Heck, I haven't even taken th time to organize what my top bands would be as stupid as that sounds. I'd probably count as one of those extreme causal "sheeple" who only listens to singles if it wasn't for the taste I retained from my dad and what that guided me too.
> For now, here you have my chart and influences.
I am familiar with some of the stuff here, though a lot is completely foreign to me. Nice choice with ELO
I will honestly check some of these out and see what vibes I get.
The links I posted weren't a full reflection of my favorites but me trying to give ya an example of what a lot I listen to sounds like. (Though rush is in my top 10 and the others maybe somewhere in top 50 I suppose, as I hae a few songs from them I really like).