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>>/1411/ > yeah, well that´s where my fear actually comes from,bringing a worse influence than its natural, this is why I make others who surround me to be critical and not just praise me as blind people. I hate fanaticism even if it´s about myself. There is too much shit around and giving a bit more than the things we thanks. Get this. Especially when you even see small e-celebs struggling with such things. Though the fact that your aware of it does put you above a lot of people, I undrstand your reluctance, especially with darker stuff you have flirted with sometimes in your themes. If I have given even a hint of such an attitude I do apologize, I'm just a really laid back person who often is chill with such things and honestly liked or saw interesting things in what you have said/written. You are a fellow anon, not a leader, not someone who I take too much influence you have given me a few ideas but a fellow shitposter. > The lines from one genre to another are not like a border and they feel more like a reference or idea to what you are going to listen. I am pretty much chill about its tags because there are a lot of random ones to mention and catalog. It´s a difficult task even for those who do it right. > agreed. I also have a lot of trouble to mention something. I just use the most common tags or popular ones that you can find in the internet about that material. I agree. Though of the few people that I have talked too, many of them have drawn lines. "That's not prog! Prog has't been around since th 70s" "This song itsn't heavy metal, it's punk you dolt!" There really is a lot of overlap and I consider myself a layman who justs happens to have a fair bit of knowledge in some areas. I know the most stuff I listen too started in prog/art rock and the newer stuff being some of stuff that evolved the classical influenced of those styles that often go under a varity of labels Prog metal, Symphonic Rock, I hear a lot of the later two in bands that are labeled power metal even though there is a lot of bands who are power metal who don't fit into that style. I've have seen people take the fact that said bands are labeled "power metal" at face value and say they are no way like the bands labeled under Prog metal or whatever even if they sound the same and I've more personally encountered others who have told me that anything that sounds "classical like" with more dramatic and calmer singing shouldn't even be called metal at all. So I just say valuably Prog/art rock family in a vary broad/vague definition in the hopes of not triggering anyone and or looking stupid. Glad your chill about that kind of thing. > metalheads....can you tell me about the experience with them? Because I have heard they are like the most elitist fans in the music community My encounters haven't been frequent, so I wouldn't be able to give the best full on summarization of them as agroup but I'll tell ya what I've seen. The one metal head who I have talked too the most often was relatively chill and was a lover of music in general. Though I have seen others who have attitudes of things outside of metal don't count as real rock. I've also seen some others who have a since of "all rock is good rock' and only hate pop/sometimes mainstream, (these other encounters/mostly lurking mostly taking place on th net btw). Too be absolutely fair, from what I've heard is that a lot of our current music critics in USA have helped breed this attitude a bit with their own elitism and some cooperate shrilling against metal as "dead and worthless" though I've never studied that in depth.