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> I wouldn't call it my taste from the surface this feels like a very good mood setter in a way for the /end/
yeah, I realized about that too when I thought about this over the last week. The Banana album is put in my top 10 not only because its influence, but also because their three musicians (L.Reed,J.Cale and Nico) had amazing solo careers. 
The one who is more fitting to this concept is Nico. Surprisingly, Nico wasn´t a singer but a model. She left Germany in her childhood, she was considered a racist and she only wanted heroin. A racist with a reason, maybe not because of supremacist belief but from the rape with the black sergeant in the US and that´s reflected internally. She was forced into VU and sang in a couple of songs but she didn´t know how to do that, a newbie with her English.
From an erotic model to a singer that would influence over goth bands of the late 70s and 80s. Notice how the first Nightmare Rarity pic has vibes of The Marble Index´s cover. 
> it's darkness shaped out of experience. In a strange way almost feels reserved
more like one insightful way to discover darkness. Either you have it without any acting or you will have a lot of trouble imitating it. 
> it's entirely possible I was exposed to her via my father it seems totally unfamiliar to me 
you are welcome and it´s possible that you have heard accidentally Chelsea Girl, the most popular. She´s from the 70s so probably, you would notice her. 
> Is this another sign of the power of the /end/?
we repeat history without noticing. I had only listened to Nico a couple of days around December or so and just by curiosity about her praise with Desertshore. In fact, I wouldn´t have mentioned her as an influence for the bat fic which scares me because now,I realize how close I was to show some descriptions of her biography. 
> I know their entire life stories yet others that someone would think I should know and yet I don't know anything about.
what I know is simply because of boredom. I haven´t almost played video games since Christmas and I am just checking the context, history of a band or reviews while I am listening to an album.
> I'd probably count as one of those extreme causal "sheeple" who only listens to singles if it wasn't for the taste I retained from my dad and what that guided me too. 
there is no way to qualify music objectively save when something sounds clearly bad and annoying. That´s where you can rank something but in terms of quality or personal, good by itself and matter of good tastes, the thing becomes complicated. I have had struggles to put hat chart and even after creating it, I would have put a couple of interesting ones instead. It takes time and yeah, it´s much easier to follow the singles path and not give a fuck about the rest,because we cannot consume all the music.
> I am familiar with some of the stuff here, though a lot is completely foreign to me. Nice choice with ELO 
about 99% of it if not all the chart comes from /mu/. I am just putting albums that I consider and have proven personally that they are not memes to laugh at (/mu/ is a pretty shit tier board at doing things seriously, save maybe /pol/itical stuff, but their RYM profiles and charts from the wiki counterbalance it) 
About ELO,  it´s funny because I have listened to them over this year. It´s up there to make a contrast to the sad stuff I put over there. Take a wild guess, when I noticed them, I discovered that /mlp/ admires them as well.
> The links I posted weren't a full reflection of my favorites but me trying to give ya an example of what a lot I listen to sounds like
well but it´s nice to see the wide range of the genre. I would have some confusions to tag them though. 
> rush is in my top 10 and the others maybe somewhere in top 50 
well, Rush is an easy choice. Though the topsters chart works with albums (maybe singles? I don´t know?) and  I have left behind a lot of bands that weren´t that consistent as a whole and couldn´t pick them. It´s hard to make a good song, but it takes more effort to make the experience correctly.