thumbnail of 1570145__safe_artist-colon-red4567_spike_secret+of+my+excess_dragon_older_older+spike_puberty_simple+background_solo_teenaged+dragon_teenager_teenage+s.png
thumbnail of 1570145__safe_artist-colon-red4567_spike_secret+of+my+excess_dragon_older_older+spike_puberty_simple+background_solo_teenaged+dragon_teenager_teenage+s.png
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> Wow peewee is back!

> Awww he's gone!

> Puberty awkwardness + school setting brings 1990s/2000s show flashbacks.

> Village to terrorize? 

 >Wow, Twilight actually doing something without being able to fix the problem rather than being randomly nefted or OP.
>  >The Rocs being able to resist Twily's laser makes a lot of since they pray on dragons. 

> Ending was cute. 

> Loved Rarity's hearing problems.

Well, this ep is the one we've always been waiting for (kind of). The first of Spike's progress/development as a dragon. Depending on how you look at it, this may have been the first time we've seen some development for Spike personally as a dragon for a fair while depending on how you regard his episodes with  Ember and certain comc appearances. This episode started a bit sour for me, as the puberty plot early on felt too much like a typical school show, sometimes point for point, though I would've have let that drag down my ratting that much on it's own because that would be more of a pet peev. But once they got out of the school I loved it.Everything from the Rarity to the Roc bird attacking. This episode too gave me a season 2ish vibe with how localized it was despite having some action involved. Spike growing his wings didn't feel that odd/out of left field in a bad way , and the pacing flowed nicely. 8/10 for me.