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> Wow peewee is back!
Dragon Quest continuity...and they said they never watched previous episodes

> Wow, Twilight actually doing something without being able to fix the problem rather than being randomly nefted or OP. 
it´s a giant bird that requires something else than lasers. In fact, if he was looking after Spike, then it would know that it was the real menace.....and in the end, he was.
> The first of Spike's progress/development as a dragon.
in terms of physical appearance, oh yeah, he did. In terms of personality, he has gained confidence over time, especially after the Crystal Empire events. We are just seeing the results from everything that has happened to him. 
> this may have been the first time we've seen some development for Spike personally as a dragon for a fair while depending on how you regard his episodes with Ember and certain comc appearances.
his personality grew in some episodes. While he was stuck with a platonic love about Rarity, he has depended less and less on the mane 6 and making his own stuff with his own actions. This has happened in Inspiration Manifestation, The Crystal Empire, his friendships with Big Mac and Discord, the diplomatic views over Ember and Thorax (by giving up his famous image) and staying as a separate entity from being Twilight´s and Rarity´s assistant.

> the puberty plot early on felt too much like a typical school show
with a school setting on it...
> but once they got out of the school I loved it.Everything from the Rarity to the Roc bird attacking. 
it feels like Owl´s That Ends Well with a slightly different context. Not because of his jealousy but because his dragon nature may cause his rejection from the mane 6 and the ones who loved him. 
> This episode too gave me a season 2ish vibe with how localized it was despite having some action involved. Spike growing his wings didn't feel that odd/out of left field in a bad way , and the pacing flowed nicely. 8/10 for me.
It didn´t feel that odd because there were actual signs (Rarity´s cutie mark in his entire body) and that change didn´t have any rush to show it (unlike the infamous Magical Mystery Cure). Just a plot device in which explains the dragon development that we didn´t Dragon Quest. Smolder is used here as the voice of reason to explain to us what happens to the dragons when they grow older and reach that puberty phase. It doesn´t come as a nice phase, so puberty for them is not free of hard periods in comparison to ours. This explains why we have seen huge dragons in Dragonshy for example, who have isolated lives and don´t care about others.