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>>/1443/ > I do find it interesting about them bringing up the whole terrorizing villages, and dragons being kicked out after the molt since that goes with the dragons more decentralized society that we could infer from the previous seasons. Dragons confirmed for having experience in immigration and taking random places by their own will. The challenge for Spike was: will they kick me out for this? will I become what nobody cannot stand from dragons? They are mostly decentralized but we have seen that a few of them stay in their homeland (at least, with what we know, Ember, Garble and his crew haven´t moved from there). They take that path because their tough personality lets them to cause fear somewhere else and allow them to take on everything they want. The molt just encourages those actions because the phase is undesirable in all aspects for the dragon itself to the ones who are close to the victim. Tough times that change lives. > Also, poor Scootaloo I thought we were going to see more Magical Mystery Cure drama ( I cannot avoid the Thanks M.A. Larson phrase whenever it comes to giving a character wings, that tradition is a must). However, more like comparing to Magical Mystery Cure and the alicornification, anons have focused on Scootaloo. Giving wings to Spike has ended up with some abuse images about that little crippled filly. Wings have not changed Spike because they were a sign that he has grown up but that doesn´t imply he changes from overnight because of them. Nonetheless, the purpose of Scootaloo, beyond her cutie mark desire before season 5, was flying. This was shown in Flight to the Finish and Diamond Tiara went too far by using her disability as an argument. Now, you see that episodes like Bloom and Gloom, Magic Sheep, she dreams about flying and having big wings. The most genuine example arrived recently, with Surf and Or Turf. You can see that swimming for her was almost as equal as a dream come true, hence she argues with Sweetie Belle by choosing Seaquestria over Mount Aris. She wants to feel that freedom that she isn´t allowed to and all the other pegasus have flown at some point in their lives. I must say though that her disability has opened to door for some genuine plot devices and insert subtle messages of: "Follow your dreams, have illusions and someday, you will have them" appreciating such basic things like wings much more than the average pegausus.