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>>/1452/ > Hell, she has been reference in Deadpool 2. Pinkie while not my favorite, delivers that funny or innocent part of the show. She had fans and she still has for mostly the same reasons she had. I haven´t been there but I can tell when a character has reasons to be liked or not. That is a very good point you have on all three of those characters. > Well, Twilight had episodes like Lesson Zero, A Canterlot Wedding, It´s About Time and Luna Eclipsed. She had plenty of reasons to be a fan favorite. Rainbow Dash had less brilliant episodes than Twilight´s. I guess fans voted more by show standards than the first impressions or fan content. Rainbow Dash's development has never been awful but there has been some not so episodes and sometimes she has benn boneheaded. I can also understand fans also who thought it was gong in a bit different direction. RD having a harsher time with the joining the wonderbolts and perhaps not joining at all. While it wasn't bad for her arch, it just felt a little swept under the rug, alright, that's off our todo list kinda feel. > and then, they complained had too little content around season 4. I mean, I get that she was all over season 1 for some reason but while staying as the protagonist, she had her breaks from the TV spotlight as the rest of the crew. On /mlp/ certainly. season 4 I saw both perspectives in abundance believe or not in the general fandom. Some angry that TS was super DBZ nothing can go wrong Princess and others worried that her being a Princess would turn her into a Celestia. > wow, I haven´t witnessed that part of the timeline. I just analyze with what I have and what I can think with my own experience, nothing else. Didn't mean it to come off as a complete surrender of my perspective as it did. I was just really sleepy when I wrote it and it was just awkwardly worded. > Also, Celestia had 1% of votes in 2011,back when there weren´t that many characters around. Not even a 7th fraction of her sister´s popularity......that should say something. Oh man it should. Also, Rarity was way less liked too. She was seen as a whiny diva who didn't deserve to be the element of generosity by quite a few. Not saying perspective doesn't exist now sometimes but it is nowhere near the level it was then. In season 2 it started to turn around but it wasn't until season 4 when I stopped really noticing it. I'll have to see if I can find anything on it. > it will be interesting to see at least. Good luck on that! Thanks. Some places are easier then others but it actually can be a little bit tedious at times. Not to say I'm a pro or anything. > the /end/ approves your trips. 3 polls, three repeated digits...nice. Actually didn't intend that. As I said I was a bit sleepy at the time and I didn't even realize that was trips until today! > Not golden....but celestial this time. May the celestial light of the sun shine upon us!