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>>/1458/ > Rainbow Dash's development has never been awful but there has been some not so episodes and sometimes she has benn boneheaded. just like Spike,not a bad character but the plot somehow manages to fuck with them. The worst moments from her don´t come in her episodes. She just acts as an idiot when it´s not her turn. Sometimes it sticks and a few handful of times just comes as saying: "Yep, she is definitely a cunt". When she plays as a cunt but then explains it (Secrets and Pies or Newbie Dash, Tanks for The Memories (partially) hell and the recent Daring Do episodes) she solves her flaws. > RD having a harsher time with the joining the wonderbolts and perhaps not joining at all. While it wasn't bad for her arch, it just felt a little swept under the rug, alright, that's off our todo list kinda feel. the truth about that episode was that Dave Rapp wrote it to feel like he felt when he joined in the writing staff, like a newbie where everyone calls you one. It´s certainly not a direction would have wanted because making dreams (The Best Night Ever) come true could not come as you would have desired (Newbie Dash). Those dreams end whenever reality comes into the game. Some consider Newbie Dash as an atrocity but I get why some people defend it (and season 6 in general). And no, RD wasn´t ruined because of that episode. Notice how Top Bolt or Parental Glideance went for her, respected as another one into it. It´s just that you cannot feel special when you add a little grain to a huge thing like the Wonderbolts. > Some angry that TS was super DBZ nothing can go wrong Princess and others worried that her being a Princess would turn her into a Celestia. As if Celestia was boring or that some action episodes were bad. Again, it depends mainly on the execution, not on the idea. Although I have to agree that the fear was understandable. All lore focused on power levels would be really boring and make this as another average anime to see who is stronger. > I was just really sleepy when I wrote it and it was just awkwardly worded. oh well, no problem. > Oh man it should. Also, Rarity was way less liked too I will speak more about Celestia whenever the moment comes but I think I have said enough for now when Horse Play aired. About Rarity... > she was seen as a whiny diva who didn't deserve to be the element of generosity by quite a few. Not saying perspective doesn't exist now sometimes but it is nowhere near the level it was then. In season 2 it started to turn around but it wasn't until season 4 when I stopped really noticing it yep, that was me as well. Until Sisterhooves Social, she didn´t come as anything attractive but as annoying bitch complaining about everything. The episodes that followed and even previous ones like Suited for Success or Green Isn´t Your Color were judged with a different perspective in mind. You realize that Rarity would have been a villain in any other series with that archetype of feeling obsessed with fashion, but when Rarity Takes Manehattan or Canterlot Boutique punch everybody´s expectations, then you conclude that she is a very original character. Or at least, one that you wouldn´t expect to be so great when on paper, she should have naturally followed the annoying path yet she didn´t. Only for that effort, she has constantly made through my top 3 characters quite often. > Some places are easier then others but it actually can be a little bit tedious at times. Not to say I'm a pro or anything. Nah, they come fine. I don´t think they are too tedious. Just additional parts to judge and analyze. You never know if any little detail could draw unexpectedly the interest here. Better having more than incomplete things. > I didn't even realize that was trips until today even if they feel wasted... > May the celestial light of the sun shine upon us! it´s never too late to praise the sun.