and I´ve gone... jfif
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> when the party ended, I felt relieved > relieved that I have found out all my efforts for the bats were worth it > they felt almost like ponies > I couldn´t even tell them from those ponies I met for almost a thousand years ago > the Journal….worked. It seems that Equestria found harmony with those values > but I wouldn´t like to know about that place, Celestia cannot take the lead by herself > her overprotective and peaceful manner to control the ponies from the wild is a sign of decadence and a encouragement to weak drones > they feel free in their circles, but they see themselves weak for places like a natural forest > unlike me, the princess of the Night, conquering them, manipulating them, found those hostile creatures a new place and feel free under my leadership without hesitation > ”Hmmm hahahaha. I have won my sister. I will be the one to control Equestria!” Nightmare Moon. > ”With all my powers, I have found the maximum to carry the pony society better than you” she said > even with corruption in my veins, I can transform and keep the experiment for development, all by myself. > your good will prevents them to grow my sister. One day, I will show you the truth of your other side and when that day comes, you will see it with all of your eyes > a brighter place doesn´t have to be correlated with neither happiness nor caring forms, just that it shines more on them. It´s appealing to the eye > the three races of ponies together? Not a problem, they had been jointed before you and I were students of Starswirl. > You can raise the sun and moon without any problem. Nonetheless, I KNOW how to drive them. > ”Come here my sister! Come here and prove me that your way of thinking is superior to mine” Nightmare Moon exclaimed. > ”If I beat you, the night will last FOREVER!” Nightmare Moon shouted, rising her hoof to the sky pointing at the moon……shining more than ever. Shining more than the usual moonlight Nightmare Moon was used to watching, she was left wondering what was happening. Her face changed to an expression of both mystery and fear. A radiant shining whiter alicorn appeared into the Castle of The Two Sisters, with her horn turned on, she was turning the moon to the land and putting the sun above it. > ”It cannot be! No way it´s her!” Nightmare Moon shouted with a worried expression. The white alicorn was making the matter disappear, leaing all the nature created put into nothing. Everything was disappearing like that needle which exploded for the whole creation going backwards. > All the bats started to disappear like digital squares fading into the white background. A long moment of silence and pure void filling these moments of existential darkness…. vanished. > But what happened to the white alicorn? How did she appear? Why had she taken that path after a thousand years? > To be precise, she knew it was exactly that day when she vanished the alicorn of darkness. A thousand years…. For the same mistake? Is Equestria the same as Luna remembers from it?