first_confrontation__... jfif
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*Friendship is Magic airs… We are going to the same point, the initial point where that white alicorn took the risk to bring back her other side to Equestria with its bat society Back to the world we all know, Nightmare Moon woke up and opened up her eyes. Surprisingly she didn´t have any brushes nor did she take any damage. She felt like all of this was a nightmare, ironic to her name. A very long yet, short for all the time that has happened. Her transformation into corruption was set, her mentality from the universe hadn´t changed. In fact… > ”Where am I? What is this place? Are these ruins…? Wait! Ruins!” Nightmare Moon said surprised. “The Castle of mine turned into an old place that I had kept reluctant….now with a stoned tree in the middle” said Nightmare Moon, almost with a tone of the point of crying > ”A tree that serves literally for nothing. I am alone, no bat is with me. All this sacrifice just for this useless tree” Nightmare Moon despised at herself. She all of a sudden, in the verge of shredding a royal tear, she realized: > ”That tree…I recognize those forms. It´s the cheat my sister used to reform once and fight Discord. The tree that prevents Celestia ´s defeat in my hooves, in front of my eyes” Nightmare Moon changed her mood quickly. > ”Hmhmhmhm hahaha” she laughed with a villain tone. “If I have her best secret under my power, I can make the dream of restoring Equestria with my command. All my illusions are becoming true. “ Nightmare Moon exclaimed. > “I may have lost the bats…..but I can replace them with something even better: The ENTIRE WORLD OF PONIES UNDER THE NIGHT!” Nightmare Moon shouted. > ”Now, the NIGHT will truly LAST FOREVEEEEEEEEEEEER!” Nightmare Moon said convinced. Behind the scenes of Friendship Is Magic, when Twilight is meeting the mane 6, Nightmare Moon planned how to take over the main places under Celestia´s rule. Where is Celestia, the savior? Isn´t she controlling her? Why is she letting her wild corrupted sister to take over the world under her own rule? Doesn´t she have a celebration to take in Ponyville? The latter question was solved by Nightmare Moon, she took the first place she knew under her treatment. As the old Castle of the Two Sisters was nearer from Ponyville than Canterlot, she began to challenge the little village. She knew they were weak and they would give up under her rule. > So it went as Mare in the Moon went. She raised the moon and put the sun like the white alicorn did in her dark universe. > Now, the only thing to do for her was making a trap for Celestia, waiting in the castle. She knew she would appear at some time to reunite and set everything once and for all.