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> She lost her energy, wasted. Alone and without any help. She cannot come back to what she had built during almost all the millennia. She lost the energy of her mane, her size was reduced, her eyes shone with pure innocence and her colors were greyer than ever. Like a newborn, she felt like she stepped into the unknown. All she had, waved goodbye to her. All was under the leadership of Starswirl´s favorite student: Celestia. > She didn´t want to wake up. Her weak appearance reflected what she felt inside. How can you wake up after your loss is so big that your existence hardly matters now? > If she moved during those moments, she could have clipped her wings and go to the actual void. She didn´t feel like living more years after her luck was shot to its core. However, that shining light appeared again. Like she was the new Goddess to take the new steps and magically keep this pinkish paradise out of nowhere. > She gave the words congratulating to those little ponies but Luna barely listened to that. > Her senses were low in energy, she could hardly recover instantly from that Rainbow power. > ”Come back to Ponyville, little ponies!” Celestia said. > ”I will celebrate it with all of you, including my sister: PRINCESS LUNA!” Celestia exclaimed. > Celestia put her hoof next to the weakened pony and Luna…took it. > What other option did she have? Her energy was too little to go out there in the wild, nor she felt like wanting to live with those tense thoughts. > She took it like a path of taking a break. She could have hated it. However, she wanted to talk with her sister again… she had so many questions. She remained silent for the Ponyville celebration and she stayed happy, pretending that she was like that. From the inside, she was broken, conceptually and existentially. > The secondary of Celestia again, the favorite, she doubts her sister changed over the years nor knew how hard her dark path was. *And that´s when the non-canon conversation begins. Celestia had so much to talk with her….