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> But…what do I do now? I am here as lonely as you. I do not belong here, I don´t think I will get used to this like it happened before. The bats are gone and my life is too painful to live for another thousand years. Sister, I am still tired.” Luna said. > Why do you think I left you alone with the 6 ponies I put my trust in the Castle? Do you think I was gone for no apparent reason?” Celestia smiled a bit. > Don´t you tell me….No.” Luna was surprised. > Celestia nodded. “ It was a hard trip and find a distant place for your drones. It will take them some time to get comfortable in Equestria. I think you can visit and calm them. They are fine.” Celestia answered gladly. > ” I cannot believe you did this. I can certainly feel that you have heart like we were fillies” Luna jumped onto Celestia´s hooves. > Ohohohoho. Oh, Luna. I truly care about you sister. I knew that your efforts over there were correct. I The values against me are not that easy to fix but I hope you can solve that aspect for them. “ Celestia said. > ” I sure will. But after that, what´s my purpose?” Luna asked. > ” I thought you knew better……but I think it´s time to control the moon and the dreams for ponies. They have hard periods finding good sleep and I think you can dream about your society in the dreams” Celestia said. > “ Oh my….Sister, I simply cannot answer you with all of this. I haven´t imagined that I could have faith with you.” Luna said emotional. “All the pride for one self ends. Luna……we are eternal for now. We don´t know how many years are left for us but if these 1000 years taught me something, is that I have to spend them with you, Luna.” Celestia confessed. “Celestia…” Luna shred some tears (she was having a rollercoaster of emotions) “Luna. You are all that I have. I´ve been worried about you and I have seen ponies die. Generations and reptilian strangers dying and I could do nothing. I have no friendships and I cannot avoid boredom and passive despair. Whenever I try it, I end up more disappointed than the initial point. Put yourself in my hooves, Luna”. Celestia confessed crying with those intimate yet hidden thoughts. > ”Sister. I cannot hold it. This is way too much for me” Luna hugged Celestia with all her remaining forces. > ” One more wasted morning where I could be holding you to my side. I couldn´t take it anymore Luna. This has been joyless to me. You are all that I have, so please: Don´t die, wherever you are tonight, my sister” Celestia said crying. > “ I won´t leave you” Luna assumed with her eyes closed. > ”I hope we can do better together….Welcome home, Luna” Celestia said with a soft voice. And that night ended with the sun and moon standing at both sides of Canterlot....