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>>/1473/ > just like Spike,not a bad character but the plot somehow manages to fuck with them. The worst moments from her don´t come in her episodes. She just acts as an idiot when it´s not her turn. Exactly. That is how there character developmet has been in a nutshell. > Those dreams end whenever reality comes into the game. Some consider Newbie Dash as an atrocity but I get why some people defend it (and season 6 in general). I don't consider it bad. Something like that would require a more laid out plan anyway to make such a thing feel right. For me I do understand those who say that Dash's charcater arch could have been more like a story than a fanservice check list. > As if Celestia was boring or that some action episodes were bad. Again, it depends mainly on the execution, not on the idea. Although I have to agree that the fear was understandable. All lore focused on power levels would be really boring and make this as another average anime to see who is stronger. That's my thoughts. Certainly wouldn't have minded a bid more battles/fights if they could pull it off right (as in not too many, not too show changing). Also, Twilight as a teacher could have worked well too, especially if they had layed he groundwork for it. (Rather than her being arbitrarily underpowered/stupid for a couple of seasons at some spots and being in a bit of a limbo state between the older Princesses on one hoof and Dolores in the other). > yep, that was me as well. Until Sisterhooves Social, she didn´t come as anything attractive but as annoying bitch complaining about everything. The episodes that followed and even previous ones like Suited for Success or Green Isn´t Your Color were judged with a different perspective in mind. I used to feel sorry for the hate she got in that time. Too be fair it wasn't something that was at the forefront of everyponies' minds, but it was a very common attitude. Nice too see how much she has grown since than. The character that I held some criticism for back in the day was Twilight, though I honestly still liked her. Just that I felt some of her fans being too militant about her (perhaps true to an extent, but it was more of a defensive line against Twicorn drama). > Only for that effort, she has constantly made through my top 3 characters quite often. I sometimes am really drawn to Rarity, though not as consistently. Honestly though there is a lot of fun that can be had with her in the right hooves from a thematic standpoint. > even if they feel wasted... Nah, there still good trips, just wish I had know so I could have done something a little more special.