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>>/1489/ > I like the logic that drove you to do this: it was the more recent harmony between Luna's fandom and Celestia's. Though it isn't perhaps absolute I do see those two fadoms actually trying to defend both Princesses now in debates and a more light hearted friendly rivalry than the battleground days of 2012 well, at first, the line of "You are all that I have" drove me to write it. I had certain visions of seeing her reuniting with Celestia and I decided to write it down before those thoughts disappeared. During the writing, I had the song on repeat to have the feels and reach something even further. However, I must say that while writing about Daybreaker, it felt like a major problem would show over them and that now they stopped being in conflict. Paradoxically, the fandom ended the duels a little bit before than the show with season 7. It was really sad to see that the /sun/ threads were dying or getting little support. They had the same opening image of Celestia until the eternity, they stagnated and Lunafags went and over time, bumped their general and the /sun/ one. I don´t know how the process went but I noticed a new life of /sun/ when season 7 started. Before that sacrifice, it was like the actual sisters, fighting for elitism in the wrong ways. Go and search the tag "royal sisters" on Derpibooru. Notice that out of 96 pages of images, from 74th one or so, the rest started from 2016......when the fandom was getting less activity (including /sun/). That should say the change of direction of both characters and view over them. > that Celestia could have summoned Luna at any time. Almost makes this a little darker, yet in a balance of them both having flaws. this is why this fic wouldn´t have been written in 2010 nor 2011. Why? Because Celestia was not relatable by that point, she was treated as the panacea and flawless Goddess that should answer every single secret of this world. It turns out she isn´t that godly, nor she is the answer for the show (the actual central point of the show and closest thing to Goddess is Twilight, nor her teacher). Horse Play, season 7 and little interactions from her over the seasons helped me to see that she is simply a princess, an old one but still another pony.