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>>/1491/ > I really like it how a lot of the greens you posted here fit together quite nicely. Well yeah. Someone asked me in /bat/ if I could explain how Midnight Radiance´s father died in the Nightmare Moon timeline as a royal guard because that was the part they found the most interesting. I certainly have found how to join it or at least, the tools for it. What I didn´t expect was writing these fics after being inspired by the Midnight´s one, just for a little detail (Charcoal Dash was his name if I am not wrong). > I may go ahead and make something experimenting with some of the ideas you have presented. I have left the room open to a lot of events. I didn´t know how to continue but see how it ends and fits into the show before and after Mare in the Moon. After all, this is an excuse to write bat ponies and insert them into the universe. > I honestly think it payed off. Never would've thought I would've gotten such a good Luna from the /end/. More surprises from this board. No alarms and no surprises the whole trajectory is a surprise. I only wrote some short little greens to fill a general I liked in /mlp/ but they were there for adding variety, not to expose myself as a writefag. The /end/ though, has changed my perspective over time. I still shiver how the creative process goes and I still get amazed because what I write is nothing original nor groundbreaking. > You did a prety good job. Besides you wer supposed to experiment anyway. well, mainly because I have a nice support to expose all the expression without fear. In /mlp/, I would have received good replies but it gets forgotten easily. Here, I can go with something beyond a few posts without getting into the archive or bump limit. > It is nice to see things them as sisters bound by fate and title. Not arch enemies, not lovers, nor mythical goddesses, but family. their hype kind of ruined them. I guess their level of power or Celestia´s or Tumblr idealistic way to see Equestria under Luna´s rule had something to do with it. Also I laugh a bit of the concept of Republic, when it´s actually a monarchy but I mention that name as how it´s been known for so... but yeah, they didn´t deserve that fight for eternity. In fact, the lines of Celestia seeing ponies die and feeling uncomfortable without any company, showed that she needed someone else to understand her feelings. The only one to fill that spot was Luna, who could empathize about what she says and understand her trouble. They have gone through a lot of things and I guess, like the Clockwork Orange last chapter, killing and fighting for eternity tires you in the end. > if you have not posted your first few mini greens here I may have not posted anything at all either. Not out of shyness, but by simply not entertaining the idea. well, the greens were because instead of posting just the images I posted random lyrics of songs I listened to while doing that. The >>/600/ setup was completely Night Blooming Cereus lyrics. Midnight Radiance´s fic happened because you thought I had written a love story with her when I posted Reservations lyrics with minor changes.....and then tried to apply her concept of prostitute to a new level out of nowhere. Just by judging her images in Derpi. > In a eclipse... or in the twilight...