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>>/1408/ > Well yeah. Someone asked me in /bat/ if I could explain how Midnight Radiance´s father died in the Nightmare Moon timeline as a royal guard because that was the part they found the most interesting. I certainly have found how to join it or at least, the tools for it. What I didn´t expect was writing these fics after being inspired by the Midnight´s one, just for a little detail (Charcoal Dash was his name if I am not wrong). I didn't expect but be even thinking of writing much outside of crazy inane stories out of self amusement. I am surprised that I have been starting to run with things. (albeit stuff that I this still mostly scraps and losse concepts.) didn't know ya posted anything to /bat, than agian since my grandmother died my lurking has been much more limited. > The /end/ though, has changed my perspective over time. I still shiver how the creative process goes and I still get amazed because what I write is nothing original nor groundbreaking. Not super groundbreaking but you have a interesting perceptive. > I guess their level of power or Celestia´s or Tumblr idealistic way to see Equestria under Luna´s rule had something to do with it. Also I laugh a bit of the concept of Republic, when it´s actually a monarchy but I mention that name as how it´s been known for so... Though I can get the younger sister in this conflict being rebellion and idealist, it actually would make just as much since for her to be leading a reactionary faction to Celestia's reforms and changes that nodoubt happened in her thousand year absence. > Blooming Cereus lyrics. Midnight Radiance´s fic happened because you thought I had written a love story with her when I posted Reservations lyrics with minor changes.....and then tried to apply her concept of prostitute to a new level out of nowhere. Just by judging her images in Derpi. This is why I consider some of your ideas Unique. How many fics about a bat pony prostitute being not a clop fic but an actually commentary on society's attitude on prostitution in general? Which than lead to your luna fics here? I suppose it is just a train of random ideas being written on a whim, but they have gone in pretty interesting places. > Why? Because Celestia was not relatable by that point, she was treated as the panacea and flawless Goddess that should answer every single secret of this world. It turns out she isn´t that godly, nor she is the answer for the show (the actual central point of the show and closest thing to Goddess is Twilight, nor her teacher). > their hype kind of ruined them. I guess their level of power or Celestia´s or Tumblr idealistic way to see Equestria under Luna´s rule I could probably write five or more post on my thoughts of the princesses if I wanted. someday I will pen down my perspective here (which I've done in parts, but not fully). > or in the twilight... of the harmony between the night and day...