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>>/1509/ > I have read quite a fair bit of fics that dealt with Luna's return in someway and I honestly haven't seen this. This Luna felt like a mix of a naive child, and a dark leader of the undesirable night dwellers of the world. I really haven't seen that mixed before. I had to introduce the bats in some way. There have been images of Luna imprisoned with the bats in the moon and my headcanon was that she has been busy keeping them ruling their society so there could be stories about them. And yes, by the time she was enjoying her own achievements, Celestia comes and ruins at first all she had put all the efforts on. So Luna has had to go through frustration, acceptance and acting with a different direction but still with the same coin. I have heard that the fandom writes with extreme emotions and that they get too much into one side and don´t give a fair treatment to the other. If I did that, this would have become Shadow the Hedgehog least, I have to be cohesive on that aspect. I don´t want to repeat those cliches so "in your face." > Also, with the latter, Celestia's mistakes are often emphasized to the point that you have little sympathy with her for her treatment of the "dirty minority bat pones". As I said before Celestia was still wrong in a lot of ways but Luna's decisions as Nightmare Moon were still evil too. That's a nice balance. Not saying I haven't seen stories that treated Celestia fairly, but this had some interesting details going for it. Yeah, said frustration comes from it and the revenge itself turn on in Luna´s emotions. No one is free of sins and even Celestia has made mistakes, she admitted that she has had to learn from Twilight in Celestial Advice. However, those same mistakes pay off with that confession and I think it becomes useful to shoehorn everything else. > but you've have limited perspective, which can be both a negative in the form that you may accidentally do something that's done to death but positive in that you are not thinking in normal fandom tropes or subject matter. Your experience with music, as you say, has taught you emotion more complex and sometimes hard to describe, with mixed feelings that sometimes don't fit with a normal definition of say, Happy > bittersweet > sad. I certainly see that in the way you wrote Luna. Negative because most of my greens are based upon songs I know they are good to write about and put their concept into MLP. And I cannot certainly express them all, I catch some emotions through the process and still be able to reflect them so openly, but I still wonder if those emotions are the correct ones or if I am falling into repetition.It seems that my greens have been about romance, depression, psychological and somewhat insightful and a bit personal, with small bits of darkness. The comforts of darkness comes because of feeling comfortable with these "mixed and chaotic" emotions at the same time. I give darkness because what I think might not be correct or the best way to say that you are doing something universally good, so everything becomes questionable and desperate for something to come. > it wouldn't really make since for you to recap the mane6. I just found the choice of meta style something that some people could find a bit off putting, even if you did skip things still. I think I will use that technique again with more grace if possible. I have a fic on my mind that could be driven into that direction. > late semester crunch time I take it? Good luck anon. Yeah, I have passed organic chemistry part one with a 6. There are only two subjects left in order to have half of the grade. I am going through the most complicated zone of it but it seems that I am surviving and overcoming my grade little by little, so let´s see if I end up with something else on my back before this month ends.