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>>/1537/ > don´t worry if you cannot lurk that much, free time will come whenever you expect it the least. I have been busy as well and as you can see, my rhythm of posting has decreased a lot during this month. I was not able to connect to the /end/ earier for whatever reason.So my episode review will be later. Yeah I've been pressed for time too. (Since my grandmother passed a lot of business to take care of, I've often been called on to random errands, hence my randomly being intemperate). I say the same to you as well anon. > well thanks. What´s more amazing is that someone random considers my opinion interesting...maybe that´s because I am not used to speaking much to strangers for things of this kind. Only praised in a couple of concerts if anything Perhaps it's just because I'm surrounded by facebook people in one of the most right wing states, but you have honestly a pretty interesting perspective to me. Your terminology on emotions was actually one of the closest I've met to my own. You write from your own life experience and emotion and have shown you can take it to a lot of places with some interesting concepts. Just the way you've handled things is unique and a little multilayered with what you have written (Luna and Bat prostitute). I'm not saying everything you've said I agree with or is profound, but in your observations on various things from politics to the fandom that I have seen thus far have been more than just simply going through the motions. Noticing little things or recognizing multiple factors at play in a cause in something ya'know? > well,yes the absolute contrarian concept. But still, I have that concept of Republic questionable, because it´s one figure leading the rest unless she has bat ponies for the administration and changes in X years. I personally don´t see it, at least in the long run. I have actually spent thought on this too. Nearly all fandom depictions I've seen of the "repubic" have had Luna clearly and solely in charge. There is a few times I have seen other government officals like a prime minister or something but I have only a true balance of power in effect when it Luna is out of the picture. > Maybe this comes because I stay silent most of the times and I have found a way to talk what I think with indirect forms. For me and my relative quietness I often have a lot of observations and little who get what I mean, or find my positions on things odd or weird. Perhaps a indirect form is easier because you don't have to worry about articulating the words and can get right tto the mening of things, with you having a easier time with putting in emotions as well. > By the way, I respect more when someone decides to be a bitch and sell her body with all the conditions than a bitch of terms of behavior. This is why I haven´t put a bad word about that bat, she knew what she was doing with a reason behind. I am surprised that it didn´t go overly sexual. I can see that. A whole lot of people really dehumanize people like that, really most corners of polite society. Though I myself am not fond of the trade for a variety of reasons, the whole policing of it and how society treats them is stupid. They are still people. > And yes, I thought Midnight Radiance was the prostitute of /bat/ when they replies to me that she actually wasn´t or thought about that. I thought I arrived late for that concept and her suggestive clothes and look give the idea of what she is. she is at the /end/ > Alright, I am in a good mood but somewhat unclear. I have a crystalline romantic song to write about the concept but I haven´t found it entirely. I struggle to see where to go but it´s something that you will see in a future fic. I actually have a similar thing with a song but I won't link it here since it go give the wrong idea for the theme I do have in mind.