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> If there is anything that I have to be thankful, it´s being able to finally forget all those problems for a while > If this is happening and why I am here, it´s for something more hopeful than staying closed because of the Storm King > While it´s true that I am relieved after finding my daughter safe and alive, it doesn´t imply that my kingdom can return to the previous state > So, here I am, all the hippogriffs are sleeping in this beautiful city called Canterlot > Little I knew of this city in between mountains, even though Celestia had described it to me in the few letters we sent to each other > But, to be honest, we hardly got out of our mount back then when we were hippogriffs, less we would know about it underwater. > Marginalized, in the extreme of this continent, without help until those 6 ponies made me to get out of my throne and have fun a little moment. I recognize that this party with Songbird Serenade has been overwhelming and much more dynamic than all my years commanding the kingdom. > I know that I have something left to do and while I am thinking about this…..I admit that I need help in reality. > Though commanding my reign is not a challenge, I need to move forward into a new direction, revive certain virtuosities that have been forgotten for decades. I have felt these years somewhat incomplete and lifeless. > And here I am, still resentful with Twilight for putting the red alarm but I have to say that they have treated my daughter fairly well. She seems to get along with that happy pony: Pinkie Pie. > I have told her that she would be grounded for this. However, that line is because she has to know the values of royalty….but I need another reference for that. > If my reign has to endure, I see that I have to search for an external influence in this continent. We cannot remain the same in a cage hidden over there. > After that hug, Celestia put a smile and saw me with good eyes. I know how to hide emotions from the outside, but from the inside, I was fed up with an eternal boredom and I had displeasure thinking about Skystar while flying to Canterlot. > I missed sleeping on air. I have been used to sleeping in my throne and that might have been too bland or comfortable for an everyday routine. I am finally sleeping in an actual bed without floating.