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> So, today, I have woken up with plenty of energy and I have to reunite with Celestia this morning in order to see what we can do. > I believe that I can erase all the bad things and focus on what´s about to come. > So, I enter in Celestia´s throne room. She was there, along with Luna and Cadence. The three princesses in front of me. > The big question is: am I a major figure for holding the queen title or am I equal to them? That worries me. Diplomacy is something I have not practiced it after so much time, so I have to improvise and resume all the skills. > ”Good morning, Princess Celestia” I greeted, with my head duck down. ”Queen Novo, it´s a pleasure to see you” Celestia responded following my gesture. Luna and Cadence came after with it. ”Novo, we are all proud that your daughter Skystar and your reign has helped us to beat the King Storm” Celestia claimed. > ” I am sorry that we have arrived late for being distrustful to your messenger, princess. We didn´t think that Twilight would make such a thing like robbing the pearl the way she did when I was going to use it under my orders and my trust” I responded. ” We understand that this accident happened, Novo. She is a very advanced student who gets too worried about me, too much to commit such mistakes of that kind. I am sure she didn´t do that with bad intentions” Celestia answered. ” I perfectly know my sister in law. She gets too obsessed that things go the way she wants to see. If it doesn´t happen, she tries to go for a quick solution” Cadence added. > ”Well, even if Twilight didn´t want to cause trouble, she caused bad impressions for following her reasons behind her actions” I answered. ” Don´t worry, Novo. Your daughter decided to come to Canterlot and solve the problem” Celestia said. > ”Thanks, Princess Celestia” I responded. ”You can perfectly call us directly by our name, Novo. We are used to the down to earth conversations with normal ponies” Celestia said. > I nodded just to accept her terms. I expected something more formal from them but they don´t seem to care about their title showing all the time. It´s a bit shocking but it helps for my lacking skills. ” It seems that you are going back to your home, Mount Aris, isn´t it?” Celestia said. > ” Yes, we have been locked for a really long time and we have to fly all over the desert to the south” I described. ” We understand that the comeback can be a bit exhausting this time but we have a little surprise for going back to life as a civilization and establish a possible friendship” Celestia said. ”Novo, we want to give you something for keeping these conversations and seeing us more frequently. Do you see what´s behind the window?” Luna asked.