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> I saw how her hooves pointed at something I couldn´t believe: the train station. > ” Does it mean that…?” I asked with enthusiasm. ”Yes, Novo. We are going to make sure that the train towards Mount Aris goes with the fastest speed. The train network has improved a lot over these 4 years. We had broaden ourselves to places like the Crystal Empire and now, Cadence goes without effort from here and there. We have no problems at all in giving your train station. If we can have a little help from yours, we can build it in less than a month and use it for all over Equestria” Celestia said. > I flew over her and I hugged her for that nice gesture. > ”I didn´t expect that this would be so permanent so soon” I said emotionally ” We know about all the calamities that the Storm King made. We have also arrived at helping you. We didn´t have faith on finding friendship in the south, we thought they were non-existent until the recent letters with you.” Celestia said. > ”Thanks” I simply responded. ” You are in better conditions now. Everything is over. You can now go and continue what you want” Celestia said. > ”This is certainly what I have been looking forward, Celestia.” I said certainly. The train was a big surprise but… ”Don´t think about it anymore, your majesty. You can leave calmly. The constructors are waiting for your orders and start with the railways” she said. > "Thank you very much.” I said. I left and waved goodbye to them with the formal gestures and it´s true that I can start something else. > All my guards received me and all of them were ready for my message. I told them about the train station, they celebrated it and welcomed my orders of giving those little ponies help for making the railways. > We started the project between the center of Equestria and Mount Aris. I am completely surprised that it would hardly take 90 minutes in order to arrive at here, considering how far we live and how much we have lasted during the afternoon. > Whatever it was, all ponies treated me well, despite leaving some hippogriffs for guiding the builders. We came back with Skystar safe. There was so much to rebuild and the mount cannot stay as neglected as it is for future visitors.