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”Do you want to hide the divorce, isn´t it?” she asked at me. > ”You would make a big favor. Those kids are too young to assume it. Skystar, she is too much into herself to care and she fortunately has known how to get over it. However, my nephews Terramar and Silver Stream…I don´t see them prepared for it.” I confessed. ”I think I have some good news for you. Twilight is setting up a school and she wants to reunite creatures of all over Equestria and give values of friendship. It´s true that they are very different but I think the students will get along fine. Besides, I will keep an eye to see how she carries it. I am sure your nephews will be entertained” she said. > ”I believe that Silver Stream is the one who´s fascinated to see what else is in Equestria, while Terramar is more attached to this place, I will try to convince my sister about this. Either way, I am granted for your gesture, princess, it certainly makes me think less stressed about that.” I confessed. ”What else could we do, Novo? I now regret that we couldn´t give any help and get out of this beautiful but still claustrophobic place. You are welcome to visit Equestria in its glory” she recognized. > Yes, we are finally here. I think I am taking a break for a certain period. I know they can do it without keeping my eye on them for now” I responded. “Go ahead and take a diplomatic trip, your majesty. After being so much time here, I think you need to change a bit the mind-set, I tend to get out of Canterlot every now and then, despite its beauty like this kingdom does. You have our support and you seem to have good defenses, there´s no need to be tense nor overprotective about them….the train station is ready for all of you” Celestia claimed. > ”Thanks, Celestia. I will see how I can progress myself” I said. ”Welcome to Equestria, my friend. I will be waiting in Canterlot if there is anything I can assist you. I have to give thanks for giving me such a nice visit. You have finally made it your majesty, congratulations.” Celestia said. > ”It was a pleasure, Celestia” I nodded. “Same for you, your majesty. Take care and…one last thing: it´s not as hard as you may think…” she winked with a smile, taking the train back to Canterlot. > I waved at the train when it began to leave. The visit was indeed splendid; I was not used to visits like these and receive ponies in my kingdom. > Now, that I am thinking about that party, I think we can take a certain celebration for getting out of Seaquestria. Am I becoming a fan of parties? > Nonetheless, I have to talk with my sister tomorrow and take a rest, not only as a queen, but as a mother…back to the initial point I was lying down for the first time. From being nothing to a relevant spot in the map. Maybe I should trust more in those who actually deserve it… > I don´t know if friendship is actually magic, but it certainly helps in moments like these. > We will see how my niece will go in that school. > For now, after having Seaquestria less crowded, my throne makes me calmer than usual and feels softer… > There are still things to do but that will be for another day…after closing my eyes slowly…