Howdy! I was just typing my review as you posted. Well, unfortunately I have some errands to run but I got the gist of my thoughts out.

> I think you can fix it by copying the text before clicking on the reply button and paste it somewhere else, so you have it safe until you get to post what you wanted

I do do that. What I was doing was trying to post a bit of a test shitpost before I tried typing out my review. Got several errors and then it woudn't connect so I just gave up that day.

> I will wait for the complete review to judge your reasons completely. I thought this fic would be somewhat boring and I wondered if it had too many lines of formal diplomacy or description before entering into the actual matter.

I enjoyed the detail with it and it's one of the things that drew me in personally. Such description I can understand being seen as a negative though there are many well received fics I know of that do efforts such as this and sometimes even get praise for being descriptive in such a way. Though I've seen others make minimalism work just as well. A lot of it comes down to style and taste. 

> Half a year, well all of this wasn´t in anypony´s plan so...hey, let´s build another bridge into this never ending ride!

Dolores be with us!