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>>/1558/ > I really do dig a lot of the little background details ad how this could a semi-plausable headcannon. it fits well with events. this is why I had finally decided to focus on the transition between the movie and Surf and Or Turf. I wanted to write and you know that I am sucker for them, but I really had to have a good excuse. I have found myself trying to fit everything into the timeline more than attempting to write a love story....for some reason. I spent more time in finding this concept than writing and describing it. > I'm a sucker from people trying to reconcile the old and new and the various inconsistencies within the show. I personally used to think it was any creature with the gift of flight that would be able to go at least upper subsonic speed was what did the quick travel. such as how Celestia was able to arrive in her chariot i minutes but it taking a day to get to Caterlot by train. But even by season 4 it was unreasonable to assume that. Yeah. The things of travelling in between each part of Equestria is really confusing and it cannot be that inconsistent after so much time. Makes you wonder how episodes like Mystery of the Friendship Express happened when Canterlot is right next to Ponyville. So if they arrived at Mount Aris,the same day in the episode,I have had to imagine that the service has improved over time and Twilight and the CMC didn't seem tired because of the trip. It's an attempt to justify a mess like instant transport. > I know it's inspired from that song but it is rally interesting to think about as a situation. the pace after the storm king may have in someways been worse for her family there is more stress to change than in hiding in someway. She has no one to blame and she has to blame with the storm king out of the picture. Just a relationship that didn't work out. They just ended up drawn in different directions. It's indeed quite possibly the most fitting lyrics I have put on a fic and add another layer to them. I had written the revenge part and blame onto the Storm King because the hippogriffs were going to kill him in the original scripts instead of the mane 6,so I supposed Novo had a personal permanent spine against him despite him being gone. I have also put that because she is admitting that she cannot do anything to fix her family. It's pure contrast between her kingdom and her case: the kingdom restored is but not eveything was pure income to her. > Everything from her discomfort to her sober, though not quite negative outlook on things. Her uncertainty with Equestria.Her still not liking TS which could be an interestig fic in its own right . the seapony queen feels very real here. And definitely,this is why I have more empathy for Novo than her daughter because I know the feel of being locked because of "mandatory" yet convenient reasons. You can stay there perfectly but you have a side of you saying to get out and look out there in order to feel more alive. It's real and how many times I haven't gone out because of studies. Well,that analogy could come from there. > Though as for my rating I am uncertain. Objectively from a grammatical and structural point especially, this fic is superior in every way. Though out of my personal enjoyment I still enjoyed the other just a bit more. > For now I say 8.5/10, but it honestly feels unfair to do that, even if it is only a sight difference in score. It's quite difficult to rate everything to be honest. Not even professional music critics get their ratings absolutely right. The fact that you have put it in the same league as the Luna fic says a lot. It's a matter of taste and if it's good,so it's enjoyable and that matters. It's entertainment in the end. That fic had a really emotional song behind,a really developed setup and a very emotional climax. It's hard to beat that and I,while feeling proud of receiving good ratings,it could be all downhill from here...I wonder how I am going to impress you or even keep the level in the future.