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> What I was doing was trying to post a bit of a test shitpost before I tried typing out my review. Got several errors and then it woudn't connect so I just gave up that day. 
Alright,perfect then. I thought you had the review written and it went to waste....mostly because I have had to repeat a couple of long posts and I could have given up those times that happened to me.

> I enjoyed the detail with it and it's one of the things that drew me in personally. Such description I can understand being seen as a negative though there are many well received fics I know of that do efforts such as this and sometimes even get praise for being descriptive in such a way. Though I've seen others make minimalism work just as well. A lot of it comes down to style and taste
It really depends,those factors are not something that the writer takes the absolute control. For many,descriptions are like filler and for other,it becomes an absolute pleasure,almost like fetish,reading and imagining slowly how the things are. Not rushed nor forced,just some imaginary peace. Those who get the action right,they can do it in very few words and end up astounding. 
In first person however,when I had to tell the story from a personal and inclusive perspective,I had the sense to include more descriptions than the usual story because there are thoughts and a feel of a personal journey. The character lives in it and while I had the initial intentions to do it as somewhat meta,the meta was focused onto her thoughts. 
Again,descriptions are not a big problem for me. I have had more trouble in finding what I wanted to write about than that. I could have expanded it in Celestia's reactions but it would have too much.
In the end,it's pretty subjective. You have enjoyed so at least,there is that.

> Dolores be with us!
She will be there.