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>>/1560/ > I have found myself trying to fit everything into the timeline more than attempting to write a love story....for some reason. I spent more time in finding this concept than writing and describing it. Hey, as long as your satisfied with it. I'm a sucker for background details and headcanon as well. > It's indeed quite possibly the most fitting lyrics I have put on a fic and add another layer to them. I think it's because, at least in part, to how these lines, at least in isolation for how we have taken them, are being taken to somewhat uncommon places in terms to what the public consciousness thinks of them. Say, a divorce being portrayed as simply not working out rather than one side being a victim to infidelity or abuse like ho many times it's betrayed. Most songs, movies, popular media in general tend to have someone as an antagonist, while this, however briefly and subtly, hit on a frustration of something being sucky situation without anything really to attribute the failure of things, or any clare cut person to blame. No time to point to where you can say it went wrong. > It's real and how many times I haven't gone out because of studies. Well,that analogy could come from there. I get this very much so, though it is a differet thing than studies that caused the feeling. Several factors actually. Not going to go into it, but I've had this feel a lot before. > That fic had a really emotional song behind,a really developed setup and a very emotional climax. It's hard to beat that and I,while feeling proud of receiving good ratings,it could be all downhill from here...I wonder how I am going to impress you or even keep the level in the future. I am really not sure how to rate these fics to be honest. How much is my personal enjoyment and how much should be what I consider a good structured, good written story. Also, such number ratings too can mean different things to different people; a 6 outta 10 for one person could mean enjoyable but unremarkable, while to another can mean just above meritocracy. I have a split personality as well of how to rate things as I am often split on what metrics I even should use or how to even to judge what a metric is that make sense. Your first early stuff would probably be a 6 range to me, not out of anything wrong but that it was just a simple little story. I think you Radiance fic is centianly above 8 for sure, along with this one. I enjoyed your Luna and Celestia fics at a level at nearly at 9, but if I were going to take into account structure I may have to knock a couple of points off. I really not sure how to rate them well. in anycase, don't feel pressured on my behalf to impress me. I really enjoy things little and big and if I did rate something lower it wouldn't necessarily be bad, besides this is a place to experiment and offer feedback without all the fear of a massive blacklash.