> I haven't necessarily run out of idea sat that moment was just interrupted.Though this is because ths story is somewhat silly and inane (right now anyway) as opposed to something that I have ta give a lot of thought for.
well, it´s mostly about the greens in which you have an idea prepared and reflect it completely with a full text, basically the longest fics I have posted on here. As for randomposting, yeah, it seems that you can be more spontaneous than me though many silly things started as a joke and they are still running...somehow( see Princess Applejack).
The lack of ideas is basically because I haven´t had time to focus on something for it. You will see something during this hiatus. As for now, keep going ans see how it goes.
> Good luck with all this end of semester studding!
Yeah, thanks.I ended that period yesterday but I was truly tired to post something.Even for getting in a free time or lazy mode, I also need time to recover the usual mindset after a big trip focusing an entire month around them.
> I would probably do in a break as well if i have a computer around, but yeah the beginning of summer makes the most since for a break.
yeah, we haven´t taken a break and I mostly don´t rush my posts for now. I mean, but for two random posters, we are under the /mu/ board, in the 22nd position of the whole site, passing the 1500 number.
It seems very little but with the effort behind them, it´s not certainly a small thing to consider.
> I had some fun this was merely a awkward family reunion trip, nothing spectacular.
I have had many of these too, by force even, and one of them, started my interest for FiM. I didn´t have much fun with it, i fact, I was acting like a rebel for going to it,but after it, oh boy, things escalated quickly.