> As for randomposting, yeah, it seems that you can be more spontaneous than me though many silly things started as a joke and they are still running...somehow( see Princess Applejack).
Maybe it'll even turn to something serious. I will just run with it and see.
> The lack of ideas is basically because I haven´t had time to focus on something for it. You will see something during this hiatus. As for now, keep going ans see how it goes.
Look forward to it (though no pressure). I'm in a similar though not quite the same boat with my Cadence fic. One the one hoof I have scraps written and an idea of where it is gong at least to mid way though, but I have lacked the time to weave the scraps together into something fully realized.
> Yeah, thanks.I ended that period yesterday but I was truly tired to post something.Even for getting in a free time or lazy mode, I also need time to recover the usual mindset after a big trip focusing an entire month around them.
> It seems very little but with the effort behind them, it´s not certainly a small thing to consider.
Don't feel any pressure to post. Take some time to relax and let your brain rest after all that crap. All I was saying that posting every once and awhile wasn't that big a deal for me on a break. It still is a worthy effort and still something that can be tiering, utterly draining in fact if one feels pressure to post everyday, as I believe I have mentioned before as something to avoid.