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>>/1587/ > Really? That's sounds like an interesting story. For me family reunions and visiting family around the holidays used to be awesome when I was a child, but the rise of social media and more broad judgmental attitudes to each other along with a few people who don't seem to have basic logic have put a bit of a damper on it for me. I have not been affected by that. In fact,despite social media being installated into my country and all the tech (mobiles,social media),my family has been pretty close to each other,mostly because my parents don't use them and when we barely use them save Whatsapp for contacting. There is no imagery nor artificial chemistry. Reunions have remained as usual,present and face to face. I am one of those people who values more a personal opinion directly to my face than said behind the computer. Mostly because in the social media,you can have a mask and troll to all,it's really easy to be harsh behind the screen. I do value however when someone takes actual effort in the posts though and from there, I start to consider it seriously. The backstory can come in another post but it's nothing to be really proud of. > It's not like there is shouting matches or anything really unpleasant but there is background politics that sometimes spills into minor drama and an air of a "life contest". Politics....depending on who you discuss with,it can become from interesting conversations and possibly give you more knowledge about a lot of things,or turn into an absolute nightmare to deal with. Those who make drama out of it for everything or have the mindset to make everything political,those people are really,but really bored. > Anycase, funny that of something as unpleasant as that you found something you loved. It's almost like how I discovered mlp when I used to browse for bad fanfics to enjoy there craziness. One day I noticed that the MLP fics seemed to have a large surge, especially in comparison to other girly toy lines and like that wasn't close to near the top 10 or having dozens of crossovers. I started to browse them and gradually got more drawn in over the course of 2011. Unpleasant....I considered it worse. I thought that watching something so colourful would make me gay or blind of so much saturations. Even a point in which I thought,I would have AIDS or that I would turn into a different person for opening Pandora's box. I had that stupid mentality....and the funny thing is that I am better man now than I was that day. It seems that you have seen the explosion and the record numbers from Fanfiction. I haven't used that site very much save in 2012 for a Twilight Princess fic. When you look for's certainly not the best idea because either you become one, or two,you could end up with something really stupid (sometimes funny) and discover fetishes (so I guess that you were bored and you wanted masochism and surf for the lolz). You have discovered through that site but I bet others have discovered it because of its porn numbers rising in or in sites like KnowYourMeme