> You did that just on you phone? Though I know there are comprehensive editing tools available I still find this kind of cool. I know you don't consider it too praiseworthy so I'll do a half of a had tip to you.
The app in which I make almost all the edits is by using Photo Editor Pro. Not shilling, just where my secret is. Are there better tools? Possibly but I like to play with the basic stuff to edit something, even though I have had desires to add filters like the emboss one for >>/1581/ or >>/1605/, the ones that I have liked the most so far. For pictures like Novo´s fic, I simply used the editor of Windows 10 and those were just to fit the story, not to make you go wow and amaze someone for its visuals.
> you could combine it with your idea to recontextualize clop pictures not sure if you would want that on phone. But I say look into messing with that, as it a little roughness around the edges can be cool in itself with the right idea.
maybe if I feel somewhat fucked up or too bored and feel like doing something over the edge, I will play with it. I know how to hide MLP stuff, hiding porn isn´t any different. Some of my classmates have hentai or lolis in their phone galleries and they don´t give a fuck. I will simply edit them in private as always. About the right idea, I have something really but really fucked up that I could apply it and be really experimental. However, I have to feel something and make their nudity or exposition into a dazzling yet scary territory. I may challenge the cliche of watching porn for the plot cliche someday. I feel like playing with it somehow because porn is inherent to this franchise and I cannot forget that aspect.
> I'd say it was a pretty good call. Luna was a bit of an eyesore with that purple anyway.
yeah, glad you like it anyway.It´s a mater of taste and adding more options to it.
As for my ranking to your edits, it goes like this: >>/1605/ > >>/1603/ >= >>/1604/
>>/1605/ has an amazing filter that really makes it an alternative to use that image. If the original didn´t exist, this one should complement it and would make the cut to expose it. Saving this one, it may be the simplest one to go but the hot colors really benefit it.
>>/1603/ I felt like this one should have been ranked as the last one but I see that the lines follow surroundings and make bubbles out of her mane. As generic the emboss may seem for the /end/, it adds nice details like those bubbles or feeling like Luna is holding the Earth instead of the Sun. Those lines seem to fine a continent or a planet. The flowing parts of the picture look more defined.
>>/1604/, this one doesn´t add much but its thumbnail looks really cool and it seems that Nightmare Rarity is into that picture instead. I would use it for opening a thread but the image itself doesn´t deliver much save another effect to feel comfy.