> Would be nice if the mods could fix it. Thanks for opening up a thread. I will replay there.
yeah, if they do listen and the server works just enough for the mods to notice it...
> I BTFO today that's for sure.
yeah, with these servers,it´s pretty inconsistent to talk about anything meta. I have had a couple of problems posting images but I got out of the thread ,then came back, pasted the post and it worked with the image. This shouldn´t be the standard for the long run though.
> I hope we get to see it in a comic or something at least.
If we are not going to see Cadence developed, then her daughter could have potential for the future, If that isn´t the case, some writer would deserve a big slap in the face for building up her for nothing. I am sure they won´t but oh boy, there will be some disappointments after what we have had to dig in The Crystalling. A Flurry of Emotions was surprisingly alright though. I didn´t expect so much of her as an adult but she definitely shows characteristics of her own mother after all. A creation from the toys to be possibly relevant in the future....not a bad choice if that happens.