> Possibly but I like to play with the basic stuff to edit something,
That actually is wise as though it may not be fancy, you get to know the limits of the tools available.
> even though I have had desires to add filters like the emboss one for >>/1581/ or >>/1605/,
I'd recommend if you wanted too you could go ahead and download gimp because it's free if you wanted to just mess around with filters that I use. While it does take awhile to get used too amist all the mix of tools (some outdated design schemes, some inferior attempts at photoshope tools and some stuff that actually is pretty cool) using and messing with the filters is easy enough.
> As for my ranking to your edits, it goes like this: >>/1605/ > >>/1603/ >= >>/1604/
For me personally I'm split between >>/1605/ and >>/1604/ as my favorite, as those are the only ones I put any thought into rather than just running through a filter on default settings like normal. I really like 04's as the cubism filter when I shrank the squares enough to make a pony vaguely discernible it gave this haunting glass window vibe that I really liked, though 05 is probably the most versatile as I can think of several uses for a red blazing Luna picture (though the colors could perhpas use a little more work, perhaps a tiny bit less intense). Emboss I just use on everything and see what it does. While perhaps a little boring do to how often I mess with it I do agree that it can provide some interesting opportunities.
As for your's my fav is >>/1600/. Though >>/1559/ is the better picture, the edit on 1600 lifts a somewhat meh image into good territory. The shading looks more defined and it really helps Flurry stand out against the background and makes the body look actually well constructed, rather than just above basic almost flawed. The zooming and deemphasis of the background make the poor design look more like an out of focus camera effect. It's at least an order of magnitude better.