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> well, the next one will be alright for sure. 

thanks anon. I wish the same for you as well.

> It seems that you are pretty hyped with this one.

Not sure if I'll ever get around to playng it (I succked at castlevia), but I just remember this project from years ago. I had forgoten about it and then I see that they actually pulled it off. Brought a smile to my face, with a little hit of disbelief that they got this far. even some of the best pony games never got outta beta. 

> There have been so many disappointments over the years...

You bet. A personal one that is both sad and almost a little creepy was a restively obscure RPG maker project, Curse of the lost kingdome. It got some coverage in early on in the fandom days but faded into obscurity in the face of larger projects and drama (it was around 2012 when it started I believe). I followed it off and on from the earlier years and I remember being shocked that it was still in development in 2014. It went through a lot of changes, he switched up the game engine from 2003 to VX  something the wiki has never been updated on . Yet he persisted, towards around 2015 you could tell he was starting to grow tired of it, and he had probably bien off more then he could chew. This game was huge in scale... if it even had bee released at half the size it would been a larger game. The crazy and almost frustrating part was that it was almost finished when he just stopped updating mid 2016.  His posting had showed down considerably before that. I kept track of that since then, till finally sometime around late 2017 it changed to whatever this is.
I suppose he could have just deleted the blog and someone else got the name, but why would someone take such a name for that? Almost creeps me out a little.