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>>/1778/ > One is the fact that he had just recently moved back to Hawaii to help take care of his mother, which of course was understandable why a project your slowing growing sick of gets tossed to the wayside. alright, fair enough. A personal issue to consider. > And two, he was a bit of a perfectionist. He was constantly changing things and making new game mechanics on the fly... while working on several other things on the side. Still, despite the hugeness of his game he mostly finished and just trying to touch up spots and finish the beginning sections of the game. his ambitions basically destroyed him. I would have suggested to make a few number of perfected areas or mechanics and after releasing the game, finish the other things he had in mind but with much less stress for making them real. I mean, we have seen professional developers (Activision, SEGA, EA...) releasing alphas by the face and even be proud of claiming it as the best thing to come out of existence with the full price and micro transactions. Worse than that, impossible. I would have suggested him a little break or focusing on the things. But what´s worse is that he was almost there....uuffff > The fact of how long it lasted plus the fact that he actually got close to his goal it's real sad it didn't get released. indeed. 40 playable characters is not a bad number at all in fact, you have the characters from the 1st two seasons right there. > Here is what documentation there is left. Most of it was not or only partly updated to the changes he made. Both of the wikis are mostly dead fyi and the assist characters became main ones.... Also, the wikis have been really inactive, it looks like there has not been barely any update at all. > this game project has always fascinated me both for its scale and its obscurity and its later disappearance and I've just been digging around the net again, so i have a lot of memories of the years watching this project fresh in my head. (I outta check Derpibooru) for stuff related to it. well, hopefully there is another with the full gen 4 cast in the future or get the archives somehow. Maybe an RPG will come instead but this one just plain sucks because it was being made during the golden era hype and I don´t think there will be such passionate people to make that soon. At least, the intentions were there but the story behind it sounds frustrating. > Hopefully in the next few days I can get my own story updates posted here. this one however, can get its full product. See ya.