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> Depending on what we're heading for could also factor in on the judgment of this one.
definitely. Time will tell anyway.

> I have seen a theory put forward more then once about the CMC/students getting a lot of the spotlight next season
I wouldn´t be surprised at all. i think that the technique they are using is by introducing them slowly but without replacing the main characters and after warming up with them, they get the spotlight so they don´t steal the show as quickly and they feel like they were integrated before anything relevant happens to them. 

> they don't seem to be putting much groundwork in that, at least from what we've seen so far. Also would be a strange move if season 9 is the final.
yeah, you can tell that with episodes like Non Compete Clause, A Matter of Principals or in the background like in Horse Play or Marks for Affection. I think they will do that because they most likely are going to send the message of transmitting harmony to future generations all over Equestria, so the future depends on the diverse civilizations instead of ponies saving the world all over again. If I am not wrong with the concept, it´s like a celebration of expanding everything from  My Little Pony to My Little Equestria. Ponies always save the day but I guess, they want to have (merchandise) an entire world worth of an RPG game. 

> Surprise family outing and a surpise 1 am ER trip that took all night (not me)
oh, nocturne trips...that sounds "fun" and tiring at the same time. 
> Not going to blog about either everything is fine now
leave it at there, the important thing is that you can go back on track without any problem and feeling good.

> I be posting some more when I can think straight though I may shitpost some beforehand.
I have had some periods of inactivity as well so don´t feel any rush because I am not doing much from my part either so far.