thumbnail of nightmare_night_by_xwhitedreamsx-d9ekqf0.png
thumbnail of nightmare_night_by_xwhitedreamsx-d9ekqf0.png
nightmare_night_by_xw... png
(439.1 KB, 1024x513)
> Something I will mess with later. The hair looks downright cute. (Though she looks horrible as a silhouette). 
it was intended to be an image for shitposting, not for having an artistic vision about her. If you can make perfection out of her, then that´s awesome and it improves certain things she didn´t have in the original.
Agreed with the silhouette, she looks like a Pokemon or something. 

> I like it a lot honestly. It both makes her look a bit more playfully mischievous than evil yet still can be used for the former.
yeah thanks. It was a pretty simple edit to make though. I have tried today to use the red colors and make different effects but the color intensity during the process ends up being too extreme for the eye´s pleasure. So despite the diverse chances to exploit that image, it just didn´t take much effort. It´s sick in any form.

> It isn't. Understandable of course. But it is an interesting concept to explore.
dammit and this is a season 1 character...oh well.

> Could Luna be evil without turning into nightmare moon? 
> eariler seasons and spin off material almost suggesting it being a more external force or distinct separate personalty within her taking advantage of Luna's darkness, while more latter stuff suggesting that it is her darkside but not a separate entity.
one doesn´t forget about its own past. I think the reason why Luna doesn´t turn evil is because she still learns and coexists with her sister, so the cooperation lets her bad intentions to be used on something that requires effort and not provoking any 3rd party damage. 
The separate identities could represent two parts of her own mind but the idea of them are brought with an external force with a disguise instead of facing them with the same face all the time. The closest thing we got was Magic Sheep but she acted like an emo instead of having an evil purpose. So, sadly, Luna (like The Mean 6) delivers her evil or corrupted side with a separate identity, like black and white sides instead of one grey identity. 

Interesting concept truth to be told