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>>/1793/ > Nonetheless,as your other side of your mind says, the new characters can feel weird and not bring any interest to the show, translating it like a failure to keep the interest. I feel like the main question is will it feel like they are adding to the shows world or will it feel like they are just taking away? If we get interesting scenarios and lore with a well written arc that touches nicely upon everything I could see it being mind blowing and fun. If it's unfocused, new characters not well developed and it trying to bounce around a cluster of unresolved plot points and every question of the previous seasons it could be a disaster of a final if it is a final . I also could see some characters easily getting sidelined. I could see Rarity or Apple Jack not getting a solo episode that season. I somepony like Sandbar being left behind as well. > I have to mention though that if they were capable to entertain with an episode like To Where And Back Again, then they can jump onto making something new. I have no doubt they will try to put all there effort. But I could see the road ahead being bumpy with what ground work is around right now. > I know that feel as well whenever my parents have to make any appointment through the internet mostly because they don´t control the computer as much as one would like. I cannot complain about that though. Though I specifically was helping soembody out who has mobility problems on the short term, yeah I know that feel very well with my grandfather and next door neighbor who I hep with tech stuff. can't complain but man sometimes it is hard to get them to understand what I am doing. can't complain either. > either update the page or get out and alternate between .net and .xyz. It has appeared to me as well and I simply updated it. Oh I do. I haven't encountered a fully accessible endchan since they switched to te 3rd server 2 weeks ago or so, but with the other 2 even doing that sometimes wouldn't work before. > It´s definitely the worst part of endchan and definitely deserves the thumbs down so far for having so many technical issues or bugs with this aspect. Yeah. Though the /end/ is still my preference, since spring things haven't been smooth sailing. > It´s a miracle that we have activity, there are other boards that are rducing their activity because of that and we have beaten /mu/ these days. We deserve the medal of patience in a way for beta testing. I can tell from the influx of visitors that our litte side of the site is getting noticed a bit more. > At least, we are here after all and that´s the most important aspect. Exactly. We are the branch of the fandom here and we have gone above and beyond what other small segments in maintaining our presence here while also not letting it be a burden on us or being obnoxious about it and making our own OC. 2 or 3 metals I think we deserve at least