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>>/1808/ > We even had an unexpected conversation with a fag that liked Tempest in the end (and I posted her image by incident at first). So yeah, we are getting some silent relevance.....with just two faggots leading the path. Don't forget >>/1714/ shitposting and this shitposting exchange I had with this guy >>/1530/ >>/1531/ > We live at the end of the times.....and ponies will go with them. They better get ready to run because here we come. or die... > Not many people are patient to tolerate this inactivity but for sure, they are making the road easier for reaching the top....if our patience doesn´t leave us behind and implying the servers work though It would be both sad and funny if we survived longer than ths site. Though it hasn't been unbearable I can almost smell blood in the water with all the issues and a hnt of tiredness at times from the staff. > For now, an episode about Hearths´ Warming to talk about, with presents included.... Still behind on my eps, though as I say I think Ill be able to get things in relative order soon. >>/1809/ > I don´t see how it would be the case. What´s the benefit of fucking up with that? I honestly considered it unlikely. My thoughts being something low tier, like a phishing operation hacking abandoned accounts. > Not everything ends up with parties. There have been youtubers who have fallen in grace or have ended up being unnoticed because they wanted a normal life, aside from any fame or digital plan. Life goes on but when you are dead digitally these´s like you don´t exist for the most part. The right of being forgotten has to appear at some point. True. In fact to many of my own more distent family I almost don't exist, Always being questioned why I lack a facebook... But that's a wole other can of worms to unpack and this is the season 8 thread. > Good luck with that m8. Thanks, if I do I'll post some stuff on it. (maybe a game thread?). I've been going thrown stuff a lot anyway in my spare time and think i have an idea where it is anyway.