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>>/1813/ > consider it a possibility of character like him being sidelined or underdeveloped next season if it indeed to be the last. it´s not like he needs much development for each personal character either....until one of the episodes happened. They seem to get the development as a group but with a few details her and there. I prefer to describe their situations as students when you catch on. > in season 2 we'd be salivating at even half the stuff the have given us. Can't complain too much. the things is that complaining is free and it´s an universal sport to put in practice. In season 2, you get Luna, Derpy first speaking lines and a little sample of Eye of the Tiger and the fandom would go nuts about it. However, the standards have changed much more than we realize. Things have happened so fast that the things we complain about it´s not of a kids show but a fairly experimental one. Experimental because like I said in my personal project opening posts, this show has been focusing on creating a sophisticated fanservice. It could have ended in s3, s4, s5 (twice) and we are getting rumors to end it in season 9. When you want ponies to last forever, they also show a tomorrow in the show timeline as well. The spirit is there but a lot has changed. We are asking for better written episodes and more genuine all the time, to the point where I have heard that a bad episode of FiM is the equivalent of a mediocre episode in any other one. Post anything positive about season 8 in /mlp/ and you´d better prepare the flaming shield. Some actually defend and discuss season 7 these days with less shitposting though. > It's only on the short term that I have been on standby for 2 people, which is why my posting has been slower than usual. Next week or so things should be normal(ish) yeah, like me having laboratory sessions or exams periods. Nothing can prevent those changes. > I certainly have that sentiment with my grandmother and anybody put in that position of care. empathy and passing through the 5 phases of losing a loved person. These periods usually have ups and downs(mostly downs because there is an absolute loss) and while, everything feels different, it´s because you carry on something you have detected worth to pass on from her to your daily life. Time will prove what it will be and you will eventually figure it out. That position of care may be one of those reasons to make yourself a little bit more humble than before her death. And that´s a beautiful thing to feel despite the pain, it makes us humans in the end.