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> Don't forget  >>/1714/ shitposting and this shitposting exchange I had with this guy  >>/1530/  >>/1531/
oh yeah that first absolutely "wonderful" shitpost I hid and someone thought he was on /s/.

About your duel with the Japansefag, I wouldn´t have had that much patience but you managed to have a fairly long duel that ended up pretty alright surprisingly. I was surprised how things turned out.Normally shitposting fights lead to an infinite cirlejerks.

I guess there are some exceptions to that rule.

> to die.
they´d better party hard along with Pinkie Pie. If not, we´d better get ready to kill.

> It would be both sad and funny if we survived longer than ths site. Though it hasn't been unbearable I can almost smell blood in the water with all the issues and a hnt of tiredness at times from the staff.
the site has been working fairly well but yeah, two faggots surviving in the wastelands is just sad. I do get their tiredness, moderating sucks the patience out of you (and I have experience the peak of an iceberg). There´s no benefit nor reward for trying to attend all the issues or problems everyone complains about. Besides, the troll posts that bring little to nothing. I know how they feel.

> I say I think Ill be able to get things in relative order soon.
well, if I am honest, there is a whole mess with the episode airings so feel free to watch them  when you actually feel like. Mostly because I don´t know which one is the official thread in /mlp/. Like Yakity Sax, it will take time because oh boy, prepare your popcorn, we are going to have polarizing opinions with these episodes(I am watching the reactions from episode 17 and I am noticing very varied opinions)

I swear that they aren´t going to be boring to talk about whenever we get into them. I suggest to stay patient and instead of rushing them, asking where we are going.
I liked a lot the questions from Yakity Sax and really, that level of skepticism will be needed, very needed for a wild ride.