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> I honestly considered it unlikely. My thoughts being something low tier, like a phishing operation hacking abandoned accounts.
yeah, it´s okay to guess for the typical things that could happen anyway. One could wonder what happened but you have pretty much said the assumption of him being hacked in the end.

> In fact to many of my own more distent family I almost don't exist, Always being questioned why I lack a facebook...
if you feel better, I do have one but I don´t exist because I haven´t posted anything, so it´s basically a ghost as well. Besides, social media are way more dangerous than one would believe...and not only because of cyberbulling...
I can feel that pressure, because if your contacts rely on way too much on it, the importance about anyone outside of it becomes more irrelevant
> But that's a wole other can of worms to unpack and this is the season 8 thread.
that´s a topic that if you still desire to discuss and go deeper again,we do have the other threads for it and move over there with another mindset.

> I'll post some stuff on it. (maybe a game thread?). I've been going thrown stuff a lot anyway in my spare time and think i have an idea where it is anyway.

uh, a revelation of ideas happens whenever you think the least about ponies. Novo´s fic was created while I was hanging out with a friend and I was walking around the streets. Godspeed if you actually find something. It´s pretty much welcome.