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>>/1828/ > It went far better than I expected. Almost friendly... mostly because ponies aren´t the hot topic or shitpost weapon to trigger, so it´s kind of expected to happen,I guess? But yeah, I expected an eternal circlejerk and then, ending the shitpost session with a smug face. The times are a changeling > It does feel more alone. Indeed, just check the board list, almost no one is posting save maybe /jp/ and /am/. There are like 5 or 6 active boards over here....and we are not that far from them. > If we had a visitor every once and while it wouldn't be too bad. yeah, it would freshen the board a little bit with new blood lurking around here. > if we perfect things like the cadence fic and posted them on /mlp/. I have posted Midnight´s fic, Novo´s and Rarity´s in /mlp/, the latter almost got no attention sadly but the first two got very positive replies. Oh boy, you have to end that Cadence fic because while you think you are more of a joking shitposting anon that doesn´t take things seriously, those greens felt inmmersive and for sure, reading the whole product at once will boost that immersion. If you ever post that one, add yourself a name or trip because it´s by far, the most serious work you have been writing so far. > I've actually stayed off /mlp/ and only visited other places minimally do to me having a gut feeling of that happening with what I saw in the descriptions and such. Next week I'm planing to have a Mare-a-thon couldn't resist and will post my thoughts on all of them. yeah, you have not lost anything save useless shitpost about the show claiming to be shit, glimspammers vs triggered anons, clickbait threads...; while there were a few genuine responses, it has gone through a very masochist phase. That break you have taken will help a lot. If you are taking a Mareathon, then I suppose the reviews will consist between A Matter of Principals until The End in Friend. > I will try to be a healthy skeptic over a pessimist on this. Sounds like they could be pretty interesting with such varied reactions. this is why I recommend avoiding hot reviews and take time to figure out the balance between enjoyment and quality. I will need to watch twice and post with what the episode actually delivers instead of my expectations. And yes, it sounds like we are going through interesting episodes to judge and look forward.