> I never knew it came from Ponychan,the fandom,or at least /mlp/,has forgotten about its existence for the most part.
It came from there in the earlier years. Sweetie Derelle was just an image that was used to derail imagebaord threads. Though I still occasionally still see it it is now kind of obscure. I'd imagine there'd be a stigma against it in some parts anyway once someone brought up it's origin. Still, I have always had a autistic fondness for the picture, I don't really know why.
> I never expected to use the flaws from the app and edit so much the image to the point where I accidentally created a certain natural texture. By using the most artificial tools, I have tried to mess everything up and look for the worst fear: the destruction/decomposition of art. Modern art lowered the standards for art and it has mostly zero value....so is this.
> We live in a world now where everything is perfect and we want all to look cute,sad,happy,angry and everything clear. FiM is no exception,so messing up with its artstyle feels like the worst thing one could possibly do....this is the end.
Though I get what you're saying, I think that you've found something that is appealing to you. I don't see the blurriness as a /end/ to itself but a pursuit of a experiment. I hate stuff like poop and piss and simple abstractions but sometimes ya have to go somewhere different and the roughness itself maybe part of a cool aesthetic, even if you see it as more of a destruction. This is what I meant by exploring your tools to the limiteds: you have, using simple tools and what normally would be considered a drawback, be a possible path to it's own visual style. Not saying it's fine art or even will lead anywhere interesting, but it's still something and it ain't stupid to mess with it.