thumbnail of 1178819__safe_artist-colon-pepooni_princess+luna_blurry_flying_forest_lidded+eyes_night_solo.png
thumbnail of 1178819__safe_artist-colon-pepooni_princess+luna_blurry_flying_forest_lidded+eyes_night_solo.png
1178819__safe_artist-... png
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by the way, from those three edits, why do I get the sense that the emboss is the best one? It reminds me of a cookie design or something, I think that´s the cutest one. 
> I almost get it but I think I'll have to show you with some kind of edit or something to transmit what I mean fully.
> I get why you feel a little dirty about this, as it almost feels like you're straying into anti-art territory with your intent, but I think there still could be more here than just destruction. sum it up, it could be described as such. If it´s more than destruction, then it should be qualified as a texture or layer added into it. Blurriness is like the most undesirable thing you would want from a photo and even if it´s not a negative thing, it´s not meant to be the front but a background for something else, not many people like to use it as an appealing tool (this Luna image is an exception). I feel dirty because I am manipulating the images way more than the logic would naturally apply. The incidental part comes when you create from that destructive layer, a derivative distorted collage just like I did with Thorax or  >>/1847/.

> wanting something to feel chaotic could also be an expression of energy
I cannot deny that. Is it commercial for a visual piece though? 

> Your last Fluttershy pic actually gives me some interesting vibes. Almost darker, like a tragic feel. Though you didn't have artistic intent, this is almost fitting to what you set out to do. Not calling it a masterpiece, but I found it all interesting.
I have to say that while I was making that edit for Fluttershy, I had a very low moral during that day. I was asking myself what the fuck I was doing, it didn´t make sense to me around that time. The comment was emotional at the same time, it was a crybaby shitpost trying to justify that mess. 
Now that I am looking at them peacefully and with your positive comment, then I appreciate them a little bit more so I decided to post these Celestia edits last night. I am surprised that you feel that darkness within the picture because I wasn´t having the best day, thinking about I could do in the future with my life. 

And even though they have some results, I don´t consider them art or worth to be proud about. If that´s the aesthetic, so it will because no one else is doing it.