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>>/1867/ so, let´s begin the reviews. I don´t usually rate save when things are too obvious in the eyes of everyone. So I comment more my thoughts and imagine the reasons or background that you have had the intentions to follow and apply. So the edits seem to go into the destructive direction. It seems that the first one is transitional. Not a full edit nor displays all the things you could bring on the table. It gets darker and the pixelated/blurred parts are spotty, way less chaotic than mine. The image has a clear dissonance and you can tell that something is going wrong (the sun, her cutie mark and parts of her body). The title stars unsettle me a little bit though. Fuck I didn´t notice that she didn´t have cutie mark in the original. That´s surprising and has confused me until writing this post to the very end. >>/1868/ First edit thoughts: that sense of her having a cutie mark fades a little more and looks more like an integral part of her body. The distorted pixels make sense in her body and the mane gets a new life from this one onwards. Have not much complaints about this one because it sets up for the final one. It´s the least interesting one though because the purple body doesn´t fit that much into my eye. Second edit thoughts: Way cooler than the first edit, her body color is not as saturated as in the previous pic, it rewards and makes a contrast with her necklace, crown and even the sun cutie mark properly painted after editing it. Also the sun has less force so it feels more pleasant or less tiring to look at. Comfort between the chaos. You could have just posted this one as the official one and I would believe it. Third edit: So here we are using a filter. You may not know what you have made here but I will tell you one thing: this could be used in the artwork of any black metal album. Ignoring the fact that ponies trigger people and are feminine at first sight, this one reminds me of Darkthrone or Burzum album covers (and I am not going too far). That monochrome filter usually has its own acceptance in fact (like pic related with 126 upvotes) and it´s the easiest to look at. I rate this as a black metal wallpaper out of 10. Truly we are reaching the end of demonic evils.