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> Me on saturday > had watched A Matter of Principals and A Hearths´Warming Club > alright, let´s rewatch them and watch Friendship Univerty and The End in Friend next > fine, let´s jump into the marathon as said here > I had heard these episode save HeartsWarming were compared with Non Compete Clause, especially Principals and The End In Friend > expect to have a rollercoaster of emotions and probably rage quitting any of those > watch A Matter of Principals > hey,it´s not as bad as I remembered. Discord has gone a bit backwards into his character but Dolores delivers a good message in the end. A fine one, better than the first watch. > see Heart´s Warming Club > no problems with this one, it´s great and I knew it. > watch Friendship University > oh an episode about corrupted business,propaganda and copyright data > Twilight goes full CSI, Rarity is a fun infiltrator and they had tricked Starwswirl. > a nice song from the Flim Flam brothers > again, why did this one had mixed reviews? was it because /mlpol/ had interpreted that this show was against private schools? > anyway I enjoyed it, let´s end with the doomed one > heard The End in Friend was a slightly better one than NNC but why? > they told me Berrow ruined Rainbow and Rarity and that WOW Umbridge comes to save everyone > watch it for myself > actually two times(afternoon and night) to secure my own opinion > enjoy it as hell like the two previous ones and even become a personal favorite > they told me that it was a low point, even Derpi and some EQD users didn´t rate it higher than a 6 in general > again, is there something wrong with me? Because this feels like Grannies Gone Wild again. Shit publicity or premise, enjoyed it (ironically from Berrow) > /mlp/ has been telling that the show is going through bad times and that has ruined the mane 6... > constantly trolling and shitposting against it and I find out for myself personally very different results If I had to dedicate some words to /mlp/, it would be this line: This is why you form your own opinion first before judging the episode because of other anons...