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>>/1345/ > "C-Cadence?" Twilight Sparkle held a look of surprise on her face as she opened the door. > It quickly transitioned into a warm smile. "It's lovely for you for you to be here again; though weren't you here just hardly a month ago? Not complaining, but I'm surprised you managed to clear your busy schedule!" > Cadence walked into Twilight's humble library home, happy to get out of a spring sun that was fast becoming to antiquated with its summer counterpart. > "Oh it is nothing at all Twilight! I had some business in Canterlot anyway and I just wanted to stop by to say hi." > Twilight led Cadence to the back room of the library. > Near a table sat a small red velvet pillow. Upon the table's surface sat a cup of tea and open book, a small stack of similar tones nearby. > Cadence took in the humble sight. The library, its smells, a overall homely feel with almost a hint of country charm. It made her feel content and at ease, she was among friends--er family here. > She felt her darker thoughts leave herself for once. For the first time since she had left the Chrystal Empire on this trip she felt truly peaceful. > Still, such a place was a very unfitting dwelling for a princess. > Cadence sat upon a pillow of her own that Twilight had provided her with a poof of her magic, presumably from a closet or store room of some sort though she wouldn't have put it past Twilight to have conjured it herself. > Twilight Sparkle smiled warmly as she poured some tea and the pair began to chit chat on the various small things they usually talked about. > Small things and the latest happens of the lives of their friends and family (something Cadence had to often remind herself was that their shared family now, something she was still getting used to), plus a little gossip mostly on her part. > It was nice. > Though as the conversation dragged on Cadence found her darker thoughts slowly making there way back to the surface. > Would Twilight still love her if this secret came out? IT'S ALIVE!