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I am not that good at criticizing as much as I would like because when it´s read in parts, it´s more complicated to judge it properly but I will try.
Alright, let´s get with the easier part and it´s checking the update with your Cadence fic.
I still take my criticism as your own questions about writing dark stuff and probably ending into edgy stuff... but I don´t see it.
It feels organic, it´s always building up for a pay off or a messed up conflict but the motifs behind Candy´s actions are natural consequences of being partly yet consciously corrupted, like her enjoyment comes because of something personal for her. Dedicating a lot of time and duties for another ponies yet she doesn´t take anything for herself,could that be a reason she is selfish and puts the double mask in her routine without harming others?

Anyway, whenever you try to go for darkness... the descriptions and actions should be in theory, the cutting edge of the fic. However, I do think the questions:
> Was it harmful?
> Was she in denial of a problem?
> Was it selfish?
> Was all her desires just superficial reasons?
feel way darker than the rest, those questions make me wonder more about the writer´s thoughts than her brain and you are leaking a part of a conflict you have had that was as tense as this one. You explain everything, it has a reason, so there is cohesion all the time and an aspect in which you stand out and why I like this story more than the rest is: feeling immersed in those descriptions. Sure, it will feel like filler for some readers but you do find a balance between moving on and an insightful philosophy of going through different tones of grey. I can´t guess which decision the protagonist is going to do. I imagine a few ones but the results could easily differ. 

All in all, the fic hasn´t lowered the bar at any moment and you seem to know darkness pretty well despite being written at different periods, but instead of transmitting completely the in your face part, you go through a passive yet tense-comfort zone (were you inspired by the comforts of darkness?)

By the way, the edit helps to know when this happens because the argument could happen during the day as well and then, she leaves secretly as always.